Final Countdown to my first flight

As I’m writing this blog I’ve got one eye on the calendar. The countdown to the start of my Churchill Fellowship is almost into single digits. An adventure to countries I’ve never visited before.

Making innovation more inclusive

In this blog, I’m going to talk a bit about innovation. My understanding of the word, what I see the word mean to others and an exciting opportunity that has come up for me to explore that word a bit more.

Rebooting my blog for an unexpected journey

I haven’t written a personal blog in a long time. I’ve been writing regular blogs since setting up my social enterprise last year, but the last time I blogged on this page was when I travelled around South East Asia at the end of 2014.

Good morning Vietnam

Good morning Vietnam My original plan for Vietnam was always to head up to Haolong Bay for New Year. No particular reason other than the pictures that I’d googled looked fantastic. However, travelling needs flexibility and heading to North Vietnam for this one thing seemed like it would be expensive and time consuming and after hearing […]

Christmas in Kep

Christmas in Kep Before leaving Phnom Penh there was one more thing that I wanted to check out – the killing fields. I knew the story about what Pol Pot had done but there’s definitely a sense of reality that’s brought by walking round the compound where the massacres took place, seeing the graves, listening […]

Say hello to my little friend

Say hello to my little friend Early morning on the 20th I was waiting at the dock ready to leave Don Det and it seemed like everyone else had the idea. There was a mass exodus with about fifty people all leaving for the 8am boat that would start us on our journey to Siem […]

Kayaking down the Mekong River

Kayaking down the Mekong River Fitting Inle Lake into my travel plan was going to be a tight squeeze and it was. I had to be in Yangon for 6am on Monday for my flight to Laos. My first choice of getting there was by bus, but with only night departures I’d have to leave […]

Central Myanmar – Bagan and Inle Lake

Central Myanmar – Bagan and Inle Lake I’d booked three days at the Yaga youth hostel before getting to Yangon and because of their cancelation policy I couldn’t get the money back for my last night, that’s thirty bucks down the drain but on the plus side it meant that, still feeling ill, I could […]

First impressions of Myanmar

First impressions of Myanmar Before leaving Thailand, there was one last spanner to be thrown into the works when my debit card was eaten by a rouge ATM. It’s not an issue right now as I’ve got enough dollars (the universal currency) to keep me going for a while and then I’ve got my credit […]